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Tesla's 'Dog Mode' Keeps Dogs From Getting Too Hot In The Car

Tesla's 'Dog Mode' Keeps Dogs From Getting Too Hot In The Car

Tesla is releasing a new feature called "Dog Mode" that will aim to keep pets safe, cool and comfortable while left unattended in the vehicle.

The electric car maker introduced "Dog Mode" via Twitter Wednesday night. Tesla says that activating "Dog Mode" results in "setting a cabin temperature to keep your dog comfortable while letting passersby know they don't need to worry." 

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PupRug Memory Foam Bed Brings Comfort To Mourning Dog

PupRug Memory Foam Bed Brings Comfort To Mourning Dog

Kate, a sweet 7-year-old German Shepherd recently lost her best friend/dog husband, a 9-year-old German Shepherd named Riley. Kate is still mourning the devastating loss of her partner Riley. She was so overcome with grief and was finding it difficult to get back to her normal happy-go-lucky self again after her partner crossed the rainbow bridge. 

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Remembering The Brave Hero Dogs Of 9/11

Remembering The Brave Hero Dogs Of 9/11

Today marks 17 years since the devastating events on September 11th, 2001. There were many incredible stories of heroism we will never forget, including those canine heroes who worked long hours and used their powerful noses to find survivors from the rubble at Ground Zero where the World Trade Center once stood.

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Heroic Dog Saved 12 People From Mexico's Earthquake

Heroic Dog Saved 12 People From Mexico's Earthquake

After Mexico City, Mexico experienced a whopping 7.1-magnitude earthquake on Tuesday, members of the military and others have been working together to rescue as many people as they can. Tragically, 200 people have been killed so far, but many others are being rescued by heroes who seek out survivors in the rubble. 

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