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Marlie’s Corner with Dog Trainer Kiley Kelly

On this episode of Marlie's Corner we talked all things dog training with professional dog trainer Kiley Kelly.


Kiley's passion for animals, predominantly dogs, has been with her since childhood. When she was 4 years old, an attempt to pick up a stray dog while it was sleeping resulted in an ambulance ride to the hospital and 8 stitches. This traumatic experience only heightened her curiosity for this particular species, and as soon as she turned 15 she began volunteering for different animal shelters.


Kiley genuinely feels the approach and techniques that were instilled upon her through compassion, experience, years of continuous education, and amazing mentors not only make the most sense, but they’re the most effective. Kiley's beliefs are simple: although dog training was designed by man, the psychology of a dog derives from wolves.  Her goal with every single dog she encounters is to find or create a balance.  Kiley strives to do this by attempting to educate the owner on how they can achieve perfect harmony without taking away the instinctual needs of their dog.


Throughout her life, Kiley's love and curiosity for man's best friend eventually developed into a career, which she is extremely grateful for each and every day. The devotion she has for animals is endless and this is reflected in her performance.


Check out CEO David Gimes and his pup Marlie chat with Kiley below!


Be sure to tune in weekly on Fridays at 12pm ET to watch, ask questions, and win some PAW-some prizes! If you’d like to be featured in one of our upcoming episodes, send us a DM on Instagram @PawOriginal! 

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written by

Samantha Thompson

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Marlie's Corner: Kiley Kelly |