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Dog Cuddles Toy Puppies To Cope With Losing Babies

A sweet little dog named Twinkle was rescued a couple of months ago by Xavier Hernandez and his mom. Xaxier's mother was on a trip to Mexico when she came upon Twinkle, who had been found living in poor conditions. She decided to take the pup home to California to be a part of their family.


Not too long after, Twinkle's new family discovered she was pregnant. A little over a week ago, Twinkle went into labor. But sadly, she delivered three stillborn puppies. Twinkle was heartbroken, so her new loving family decided to try and help her cope with the recent tragedy. 



Hernandez's mom purchased three stuffed animals for their dog to snuggle and sleep with. Though the stuffed animals can't replace her lost puppies, having them near her seemed to bring some comfort to the dog. 


Xavier told The Dodo that he and his mom are making sure to give her the love and support she needs during this difficult time. "My mom and family try to show her as much love as possible," Xavier told The Dodo

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Katelyn Buck

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