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Debunking 6 Common Dog Myths

1.) It's impossible to teach an old dog new tricks

Dogs can learn new tricks at any age. Learning new things can aid in keep the dog active, mentally stimulated and disciplined. Adult dogs are even said to be easier to train than puppies because they have a greater ability to focus for longer periods of time.

2.) Dogs don't need to go on walks 

Even if your dog has a big, spacious yard to run around in, they should still go for walks. When your dog runs around in the yard, they are expending energy, but it's not focused. Dogs need to go on walks for exercise and mental stimulation. If they just play in the yard and that replaces their walk, they could actually be more anxious. The owner acts as the dog's pack leader and as the pack leader, the owner must help the dog to burn off their energy in a productive manner. 

3.) Certain dog breeds are more aggressive 

This widely held belief not necessarily true. Any dog breed can show aggression. The difference is that larger breeds may pose more of a threat if they act aggressively. But, the breed is not the cause of a dog's aggression. It's not the breed that leads to aggressive dogs. It is often how the dogs are brought up and or treated by humans that determine . 

4.) A wagging tail always means a happy dog

A dog wagging its tail can suggest many things, including happiness and excitement, but that is not always the case. A wagging tail could also mean fear, aggression or a warning to back off. Studies have shown that when a dog wags his tail to their right, they are acting friendly. However, if the pooch is wagging his tail to the left, it could indicate a sign to back off. 

5.) You can tell if a dog is sick by feeling its nose

The temperature or moisture of a dog's nose is not at all a good indicator of a dog's health. A healthy dog could have a warm, dry, cold or wet nose. A better way to take your dog's temperature is via the ear. 

 6.) It's best to cool off a dog by pouring water on their head

Pouring water on a dog's head won't cool them down. Instead, it could lead to overheating. Dogs cool off by wetting their chests and their stomachs since this is where they have the least fur on their bodies. So if you want to cool your dog off, try splashing water towards the bottom of their body near their chests and or stomachs.  


Written By: Cherry


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Katelyn Buck

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