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Check Out's Paw-some Paw-tners

Over the years, has partnered with dozens of dogs and their humans! We take pride in our pack and wanted to share some of the members with the rest of our community.

1.) @2husketeers

Nika and Kira are two Siberian Huskies living in Wisconsin with their owners Katlin and Jonathan. They enjoy everything about life including daily runs, hiking at their local state parks, paddle boarding, fostering and volunteering through their local rescue, Fetch WI Rescue, attending dog festivals and dog-friendly events, and exploring their city. When the weather gets cold, the dog sled comes out, and Nika and Kira especially love pulling their owners through the snow and lounging in the freezing temperatures until they are forced to come inside. The best part about this pair is adventurous, sassy, fun, and outgoing personalities, which always keep their owners on their toes and laughing. Life is too short to not live like a Husky!

2.) @charlie.the.dalmatian

This is Charlie. He is 1 and a half years old and lives in Charlotte, North Carolina. He is a long coat Dalmatian with heart eyes. 

3.) @ear_up_aussies

Australian Shepherd
Jones is a 2-year-old red merle Australian Shepherd.  He lives with his mom and dad right outside of Dallas, Texas in a city called Plano. Jones loves to play tug-o-war, catch, and will do anything for a peanut butter filled kong. Jones also really enjoys when mom and dad bring in a foster from a local Aussie rescue for him to play with. His biggest identifier is his one ear up, one ear down look! It makes him unique and really matches his happy-go-lucky personality.  One interesting thing about Jones – he was a surprise birthday present for his mom who had desperately wanted an Aussie for years and had his name picked out long before he was born! Although he sheds like crazy, his parents wouldn't trade the dog hair all over for anything. 

4.) @remi_theblklab

Labrador Retriever
This is Remi. She is a 2-year-old Black Labrador Retriever with the sweetest little puppy-dog eyes.  She loves everyone, but her partner in crime is her 3-year-old human sister. Remi loves spending time with her family, chewing bones, and playing with her stuffed toys. When she isn’t playing, she is cuddling with her Mom or snoozing on her bed from 

5.)  @orzotheboxer

Orzo and Risotto are boxers living in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area. Orzo is 4 years old and Risotto is almost 2. Orzo and Risotto are half brother and sister as they share the same mother. They are known as the Pastinas. (Yes, their hooman pawrents are Italian!) They LOVE car rides, taking walks/runs and playing in their sandbox. When they're not creating shenanigans, they love to cuddle.
Higbee is a 3-year-old Dalmatian whose main goal in life is to please his momma! He loves playing with his toys and learning new tricks, but his favorite thing to do is model dog products! 
Luna is 3 years old living in Houston, Texas. She is a very active Husky who loves to jump onto everything she can. She will jump off of walls, people, other dogs and even 6’ fences! Luna is a very loving and caring for all humans and animals. She is even friends with her mom’s bearded dragon, who even rides on her back at times. Her parents originated her Instagram name The Ruff Life of Luna from how "rough” she really has it. Luna is definitely a spoiled pup who deserves all the love in the world.  
Zoe and Riley are 4-year-old Golden Retrievers. The brother and sister duo are litter mates by birth, but best friends by choice! 
Gunner and Kimber are German Shepherds living in Maryland. Gunner and his younger sister Kimber are quite the dynamic duo!

10.) @forrest.and.jameson


Forrest and Jameson are biological Goldendoodle brothers born on February 25th, 2015 and December 7th, 2016. They love to snuggle! 

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written by

Katelyn Buck

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