5 Fun Activities for Dog Dads this Father's Day

Well, it's that time of year again. The world feels like it’s moving faster than ever! It's almost that third Sunday in June -- the day we devote to celebrating the pet dad in the family. If you forgot to buy something for the dog dad in your life, there's no need to despair.
All is not lost if your budget is tight, you’ve been busy, or a bit of both. There are plenty of fun things for your fam to do this Father’s Day that doesn’t cost a penny.
Gifts for dog dads are always nice, but material things aren't what anyone remembers anyway. You remember the times you spent with your loved ones, furry and furless. That being said, here are 5 fun and free activities for dog dads this Father’s Day.
1. Dog and dad alone time.
This might sound cliche, but sometimes dog dads just need a day to themselves. A man and his dog, are we right? Ask the dog dad in your life if they just want to chill with the dog for the day.
Speaking of your dogs, having your dog dad’s best furry friend around can actually make him feel more relaxed. Canines cause the release of oxytocin in our brains; this hormone is commonly associated with relaxation, social bonding, and trust.
Plus, your pup could probably use a day off too.
2. Take your dog dad on a hike.
Suppose the dog dad in your life wants to take in some of the great outdoors this Father’s Day. Exercise is good for the body, aids in relaxation, and is a healthy bonding exercise for you and your dog.
If this sounds like your dog dad, make sure you do some research before you head out to the trail. Many hiking trails are dog friendly but aren’t off leash friendly. This probably means that you’ll need to keep your dog tethered at all times.
To be clear: we are not advocating rule-breaking. However, if no one is on the trail and things seem safe, you can do whatever you want.
The biggest concern with keeping your pooch off- leash on a hiking trail is possible injury or an encounter with a wild animal. Keep your eyes and ears open if you choose to let your doggo run free.
3. Go to a dog friendly beach.
Take the opportunity to catch some rays or swim at your local beach. As with hiking, not all beaches are dog friendly, and even fewer are off leash friendly.
The good news is that no one is ever upset when they see a dog at a beach. If they are, they need serious help! It's not likely you'll be cited for any infractions, but keep a closer eye on your pooch just in case.
Feel free to make a day of it or go for a few hours to relax and soak up the sun. We’re all stuck inside working all week. Why not take a day to brave the outdoors?
Heading out on an adventure? Check out our pet travel products that keep your dog safe and car clean!
4. Make a gourmet meal.
Making a meal at home costs nothing if you already have all the ingredients. If you need to run to the grocery store for additional items, it still costs much less than a restaurant. Keep in mind, this isn’t just a meal for Dad -- consider splurging for his best friend too.
There are plenty of gourmet dog food recipes online. One we particularly enjoy is the Brown Rice and Chicken in a Crockpot recipe from LifeHack. While raw food diets are trendy these days, most veterinarians recommend cooking any meat products you’ll feed your dog.
Once you’ve got the crockpot started, you can split a meal with Dad, or make them their own fancy dish. We were thinking of BBQ-grilled steaks with some oven-baked potatoes. Mmm.
5. Finish Father’s Day by the fire.
For those with a backyard fire pit, you can keep the outdoor vibes going and your pup and dog dad happy. Roast some marshmallows, make some s’mores, have a beer or a glass of wine, whatever your dog dad fancies.
For the pups, we love this DIY dog safe s’mores recipe using carob chips, marshmallow cream cheese, and dog biscuits.
Whether you choose one or all of these activities, your dog's dad will be over the moon. We often forget that gifts aren’t the things that last. But times with our family, and that includes our pets, are what matter.
If you don’t have access to a fire pit, we have a bonus activity for you coming right up!
Of course, a nighttime stroll around the neighborhood or watching some Netflix are equally great ways to wind down the day.
Why not pick something to watch that your pooch will enjoy, too - maybe the nature channel? A comedy about cats outwitting dogs? What about a horror movie about a vacuum coming to life? Your call.
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